
Showing posts from 2007

West Sumba Hotels

Waikabubak (capital city of west sumba): Airport : Tambolaka Airservices : Merpati Nusantara Airline and Trans Nusa * Hotel Manandang, Jl.Pemuda 4. Ph 197 or 292 (top of the line). Owned by Hung Fui * Hotel Mona Lisa, Jl.Adhyaksa (2.5 km from town centre) Top of the line with good views * Losmen Pelita, Jl Akhmad Yani. Ph 104 (good by local standards) * Hotel Arta, Jl Veteran. (new and fairly good). Owned and run by Drs Benyamin K.Tako * Hotel Aloha, Jl. Gajah Mada (very ordinary) * Hotel Rakuta, Jl. Veteran (shaped like a traditional house) (very ordinary) Nihiwatu Nihiwatu on Sumba Island is a small and exclusive hideaway lodge. With an idyllic setting that is pristine, romantic and endlessly peaceful Nihiwatu is the perfect tropical retreat for honeymooners and couples. Nearby are Stone Age sites and Sumbanese villages that have remained unchanged for centuries, this unique tribal culture with its ancient animist rituals is truly beyond compare. For those seeking excitement in an en...

Macro for Ms Excel to Change Word Case

To change case in Ms Excel can be done using upper () , lower () and proper () functions of excel. But sometime some data getting mix up between upper case and lower case, however if we assign those function to each data that we want to change will time consuming. Here , I use simple macro to solve to problems. The idea is to insert a new column next to the cell we want to change, then we change the words and copy back to the original column and delete the extra column. I use keyboard shortcut such as CTRL+Shift+U to change to upper case and CTRL+Shift+L to Lower case and CTRL+Shift+P to proper case.   Here the macro listing Sub RubahUpper() ' ' RubahUpper Macro ' Merubah isi sel menjadi huruf besar semua ' Change to Upper case ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+U ' Selection.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=UPPER(RC[1])" ActiveCell.Select Selection.Copy ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select Se...