The workforce battles against the profit-driven wills
In the realm of globalist ambition, Where capitalism takes its expedition, The workforce dwells, a cog in the machine, Bound by the rules of a world unseen. With open borders and interconnected ties, Labor traverses boundaries, reaching the skies. But in this web of global commerce, The workers find themselves in a perplexing verse. Across nations, they toil with fervent might, Fueling economies, day and night, But behind the scenes, power is amassed, By elites who dictate how long they last. Under globalist capitalism's sway, The workforce faces an unyielding array, Of demands, expectations, and competition, As profit margins drive the relentless mission. Multinational corporations reign supreme, Chasing profits like a relentless dream, They seek low-cost labor, outsourcing afar, Leaving workers vulnerable, in a constant spar. In search of cheaper resources and skills, The workforce battles against the profit-driven wills, Their worth reduced to mere numbers ...